

At Umbrella, our business revolves around commodities trading, marketing and supply chain management.

Incorporated in Dubai, Umbrella has successfully established a global presence as one of the world’s major participants in the commodities trading industry. We provide logistical solutions and risk management tools to those who require it, facilitating transactions while minimising risk to the parties involved. With a global network in all the major oil trading regions (Dubai, Houston, Rotterdam, Shanghai and Singapore), we are able to capture value from arbitrage flows and evolving market dynamics, utilising our world-class logistics and supply chain management capabilities.

Through our heritage, we have developed a world-class operation, enabling the business to compete effectively on a global scale. We seek long-term commercial relationships, reflected in our growing network of trusted suppliers and customers, which include the world’s largest national oil companies as well as refiners, producers, international oil companies and independent trading houses.

Our focus is on the development of oil and gas-based industries and other energy and energy related projects in partnership with international industry players, capturing and creating incremental margin from optimisation of the value chain in the oil and gas sector.